Our system takes into consideration Keystone non-numeric proficient scores from the 2019-2020 school year, as outlined in Act 55 of 2022, and also provides the ability to view Alternate Assessment details and Evidence Based details.
How are you tracking who's eligible for graduation?
PA Graduation Requirements and Pathways
edInsight makes it easy to identify the students’ graduation path. Don’t spend time putting processes in place to track this; the system does it for you.
PA graduation requirements and pathway reporting and tracking
- Have all of student data in a central location
- edInsight identifies students that have met pathways 1,2, and 3
- Track students who have taken pathways 4 & 5 for graduation
- Develop individual student goals and plans based on graduation pathway strategy
- Quickly identify student learning gaps and strengths
- Subgroup reporting (demographics, IEP, etc.)
- Graduation report to include PIMS data