Outcome: Participants Write Initial Drafts of Student Learning Objectives as Part of the Educator Effectiveness Process (Pennsylvania SLO)
Focus: Leadership & Accountability
Audience: PK-12 Teachers & Administrators
Description: Pennsylvania’s new Educator Effectiveness System is made up of four categories of data that combine to form a summative rating for every teacher: Observation Data, Building-Level Data, Teacher-Specific Data, and Elective Data. Elective Data, which represents 20 percent of a teacher’s final rating, are defined for each teacher through the Student Learning Objective (SLO) process, which the Pennsylvania Department of Education defines as a process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards.
The Pennsylvania SLO process is a way of:
- Establishing specific goals related to student performance on defined measures of content
- Measuring progress toward achieving those content goals
- Setting the dates for conducting those measures and reporting results
- Stating how each measure of student growth will be incorporated in a teacher’s summative rating
This session must be preceded by districts deciding whether they will create district-wide, school-wide, department-level, or grade-level SLOs. Participants will then be in a position to review the Pennsylvania SLO process and use student data gathered from the edInsight Data Window to identify student groups and establish baseline data. They then write first drafts of their SLOs and, after sharing them with colleagues, post them on the SLO Manager within the edInsight Instructional Management System.
Associated edInsight System Tool: