Outcome: Participants Identify and Collect Evidence of their Proficiency within the Context of the Danielson Framework for Teaching
Focus: Leadership & Accountability
Audience: PK-12 Teachers & Administrators
Description: Teachers benefit from an evaluation system that includes both formative supervision and summative evaluation procedures and outcomes. The adoption of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching as the foundation for an educator effectiveness system in Pennsylvania has proven to be a practical way to operationalize this dynamic, for it provides for developing a common language for professional conversation and a useful structure for self-assessment and reflection on practice. Thus, the Framework may be used to prepare teachers new to the profession; to recruit and hire teachers; as guidance for experienced professionals; as a structure for focusing individual teacher and school improvement efforts; and for communication with the community at large. The purpose of this session is to introduce the Framework to teachers, demonstrate its relationship to the work of teaching, and engage them in identifying and collecting evidence of their proficiency, while guiding them toward becoming reflective practitioners, by:
- Engaging them in a review of the research base that resulted in Danielson developing the Framework for Teaching
- Defining and describing the four Framework domains, twenty-two components, and seventy-six elements, plus the behaviors each comprises
- Discussing the teacher and student behaviors that supervisors expect to observe in the classroom
- Practicing matching teaching behaviors with all aspects of the Domains and providing rationale for each
- Examining the research base offered by Robert Marzano and John Hattie relative to teacher effectiveness
- Characterizing the qualities and behaviors of effective teachers and their influence on student achievement
- Identifying data and evidence applicable to each of the Domains and how they demonstrate a teacher’s proficiency and support teachers’ becoming reflective practitioners
- Developing and initiating a system for organizing and collecting evidence of teacher proficiency and its relationship toward becoming reflective practitioners
- Developing at least one practical strategy for each of the practices that are applicable to teachers’ own content area and that can be used immediately with students to enhance student engagement
- Developing at least five practical differentiated instruction activities that incorporate critical thinking applicable to teachers’ own content area that can be used immediately with their students to enhance student engagement based on the work of Carol Tomlinson.